Review: DeepCool AK400 WH Digital


Speed and noise

Fan speed :

We’re starting from scratch with our series of temperature readings. Let’s specify the fan speeds recorded during our readings (for 12V, 8V, 5V):

As far as operating speeds are concerned, the fan used by the AK400 Digital WH remains fairly standard. As can be seen, at low speed, it runs at 900 rpm, while at medium speed, it rises to 1400 rpm. Finally, at full speed, we measure 1900 rpm. Overall, we find the same speed profile as the AK620 Digital ‘s mills, which are… quite simply, the same fans. Likewise, speeds are close to those of NZXT’s T120 RGB.

Noise :

When it comes to noise, the AK400 Digital WH can’t be said to be a particularly noisy fan. Indeed, with the exception of the Dark Rock Pro 5, there’s nothing quieter than this model. However, the T120 RGB isn’t much quieter at full power either.

Finally, as soon as we turn the fan to mid-range or low speed, we’re back to something perfectly unobtrusive. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see how it fares in terms of temperature!