[Tweak League] Round 2: selected competitors


Over the next few hours, we’ll be launching Round 2 of the Tweak League. For those who have no idea what we’re doing with the Tweak League, you can refer to all the articles that were published during Round 1. Today, we’re going to reveal the new competitors selected from our community:

Tweak League 2024
This is the second round of the Tweak League 2024. There will be 4 in total

Tweak League: the 5 competitors in Round 2

Dark Chungus: 19 years old and a very active member of the OCC discord. A fan of overclocking and video games. He certainly likes to change hardware on a regular basis to explore different configurations and test as many components as possible himself. Here’s how he sees himself positioning himself in Round 2: My participation in the Tweak League is aimed at introducing me to content creation, with the aim of sharing the knowledge I’ve acquired to help those just starting out and, above all, to inspire them to go further.

In this spirit, Dark Chungus has created its own social networks:


dedede223: 25-year-old engineer and PhD student in computer science based in the north of France, passionate about computer hardware for over 10 years now as well as overclocking for about 6 years. I’ve been part of the Overclocking.com community since 2019. I like to get my hands into my computers to modify, improve or upgrade them when I’m able to do so. I take pleasure in optimizing both the hardware and software sides of my personal machines and those used for overclocking. I also like to share and pass on my knowledge when I can and discuss new developments with everyone. I spend a lot of time keeping abreast of the latest hardware developments all the time. I’ve had the opportunity to explore many generations of processors and graphics cards over the last 10 years. From the X99 to Intel’s 12th generation, and of course several generations of AMD processors based on Zen Zen 2 or Zen 3. On the graphics card side, I’ve had the opportunity to rub shoulders with Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Turing and Ampere for NVidia, and Vega and RDNA2 for AMD.

Taking part in Round 2 of the Tweak League is a unique opportunity for me to put my knowledge of past platforms into practice, and above all to learn how to exploit new solutions. The most important thing for me is also to share my experience with this new platform and, I hope, arouse a new passion in some people.

Follow dedede223 on social networks.

Baron: I’m a 25-year-old from Lille in the north of France, and I’m passionate about hardware and technology of all kinds, having been immersed in this world from the age of 10. My spare time is entirely devoted to keeping abreast of the latest technological advances and designing PC configurations, from assembly to optimization, for my friends. Recently, I decided to dive into learning about overclocking, and more specifically extreme overclocking, after discovering the Overclocking.com Discord.

You can find Baron on : InstagramTwitterTikTok

Mischa: He represents our editorial team and handles all cross-disciplinary content on overclocking.com. He’s the one who started testing 3D printers and trying to use them to make PCs work better. He’s also a fan of SimRacing.

You can find Mischa on TwitterTikTokYoutube

CodeCommando : As an 18-year-old gamer, I’ve been building and optimizing PCs for some big gaming streamers for the past two years. I’m regularly asked to make setups and recommendations, and I have to say that I get all my info from the overclcoking.com community. I was lucky enough to win round 1 of the Tweak League, during which I learned a lot. I hope to be able to offer content that will appeal to everyone.

You can find CodeCommando on TwitterTikTokYoutube

If you’d like to find out more about the Tweak League :