Review: NZXT Lift 2 Symm



It’s time to take the NZXT Lift 2 Symm in hand and give you our impressions of it. We’ve used it for video games, as well as for more traditional navigation and office work. What did we think? Find out now!



If you’ve ever tried a Harpe Ace or Model O mouse, look no further than the Lift 2 SYMM from NZXT. It’s simple to use, and won’t take you long to get used to it, since your hand simply rests on it. There’s no guide, and no element to force your fingers into position like on an IronClaw, for example.

The result is a natural grip, with the thumb positioned just below the side buttons. Meanwhile, the index and middle fingers are simply placed over the left and right clicks. Finally, the ring finger comes to rest on the little finger on the right-hand edge of the mouse, while the palm of the hand comes to rest on the knob.

The dimensions of this model mean that claw grip and palm grip will be the most comfortable grips. To attempt the finger grip, you’ll need either very large hands, or to hold the mouse very high on its clicks.

Moreover, although the mouse has a symmetrical body, it is far from being ambidextrous. The additional buttons are positioned on the left-hand side of the casing, so as a left-handed user, you’ll only be able to reach them with difficulty. And speaking of button placement, the DPI button, mounted above the thumbwheel, will be difficult to press by accident, as you’ll have to seriously raise your index finger to reach it.

NZXT Lift 2 Symm

As far as the thumbwheel is concerned, the Lift 2 SYMM benefits from a wider thumbwheel than the Model O, while being much shorter. It also has a rubber coating that grips well under the fingers, so there’s no risk of slipping. As for scrolling, the notches are well marked, more so than on my everyday mouse in any case. In the heat of battle, you’ll be able to switch from one weapon to another with ease, without getting confused.

However, the main clicks lack a little firmness. In my opinion, this takes a little getting used to, as it’s not easy to find the necessary force to just activate the click. Clearly, less force is needed to activate it on my Model O by Glorious. So we’re all familiar with double-clicks during a long selection on Photoshop…

The sound of the Lift 2 Symm buttons:

As you can hear, the mouse emits a rather low, dull noise compared to the Model O. In fact, the sound it emits turns out to be quite similar to that of the ASUS Harp Ace. In fact, it’s pretty quiet, but whether you like this type of noise or prefer higher-pitched sounds remains to be seen.


NZXT Lift 2 Symm

As far as glide is concerned, even though there are Teflon pads, unfortunately the glide won’t be up to the level of my everyday mouse. Yes, the Lift 2 SYMM benefits from two large glides offering a large contact surface with the mat, which inevitably slows things down… The Model O, on the other hand, has four small glide pads in each corner, ensuring a much smoother glide on carpet.

On a rougher surface, such as the wood of my worktop, the glides don’t filter the asperities very well, whereas the Model performs better… So on a rigid carpet, it’s better not to mention it.