The Ryzen 7 7800X3D is finally a Bestseller


It’s no exaggeration to say that the Ryzen 7000 got off to a rocky start. Obviously, there are several explanations for this sluggish launch: a change of socket after years of AM4, the obligatory switch to DDR5… All in a tense economic context. But the situation is beginning to turn around, thanks in large part to AMD’s aggressive pricing policy to get these little ones out of the stores. In fact, for the past few days, the Ryzen 7 7800X3D has been the best-selling processor at three of the world’s biggest retailers: Amazon, Newegg and the German Mindfactory.

In Europe, at Mindfactory, the Ryzen 7 7800X3D tops the sales charts, with over a thousand units sold in week 44. That’s 3 times more than all 14th-generation Intel processors sold over the same period… But when you dig deeper, the other Ryzen 7000 chips aren’t doing much better either. Ryzen 5000s occupy the rest of the TOP10 places, confirming that end-users are essentially looking for price. The 5800X3D comes second in the sales ranking.

Ryzen 7 7800X3D
The state of CPU sales at Germany’s Mindfactory for week 44

So it’s hard to draw any conclusions other than the impact of promotions on consumer choices at the end of the year. Blackfriday will undoubtedly amplify this trend. In this respect, we recommend that you follow our Good Deals live feed on our discord server to take advantage of the bargains.