Review: KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC


The last word:


Let’s start straight away with the price, which is often the most complicated aspect of partner boards compared with NVIDIA’s Founders Edition. Here, as a reminder, the Founders Edition has an MSRP price defined by NVIDIA of 1109 euros ($999). This is excellent news, since it offers a performance boost at a price lower than that of the RTX 4080 at the time of its launch, i.e. 1,469 euros! As the RTX 4080 was not as successful as NVIDIA had hoped, this SUPER model benefits from a much lower price.

The price of our example of the day, the KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC, will be higher, as this is a custom card with factory overclocking. The card is no longer available in stores, so it’s rather difficult to estimate the latest price for the RTX 4080 SG version. KFA2 models are fairly well distributed in France, and very often benefit from excellent pricing. So let’s hope for some good prices this afternoon. Last but not least, don’t forget that production of the RTX 4080 has come to a halt and, fingers crossed, there will be some bargains to be had in the days ahead.


As you’ll have noticed from our various tests, our KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC performs pretty well, but doesn’t really stand out from the RTX 4080. It’s the model that comes closest to matching the RTX 4080’s performance, with a slight gain of 3%. As we said above, the lower price means a much more attractive price/performance ratio for this model, provided that the stores go in the same direction.

The card?

As we hinted at the beginning of this article, we were delighted to get our hands on this KFA2 model. This model boasts a very good finish and a rather aggressive look. Without being the best in its category, the cooling system is efficient and, above all, stands out for the silence of the fans. It might be worth reworking the ventilation curve to improve the card’s cooling performance. Of the three custom boards tested to date, this should certainly be the most affordable. Fans of RGB backlighting will find the rendering different from the competition, and very easy to control via the KFA2 software.

KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC

Once again, we find ourselves in an awkward position when it comes to the KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC. On the one hand, the chip performs better than the RTX 4080, but more importantly, it has a much more attractive MSRP than when the RTX 4080 was launched. Now, we’re aware that this KFA2 will be sold above MSRP, but it could be the least expensive of the three models tested today. Thanks to KFA2 for providing this sample of the KFA2 RTX 4080 SUPER SG 1-Click OC.