Windows 12 will arrive in 2024 and will require a major upgrade of our PCs


It’s a rumor that’s been circulating for a few days: a significant update to Microsoft’s flagship OS is in the pipeline. Although no one knows whether this potential new version will be called Windows 12, it seems certain that it will not be suitable for all PCs. This is a decisive hardware renewal factor that brands are counting on.

Windows 12 IA

The information is based on a leaked conversation between Intel’s CFO, David Zinsner, and financial analysts. He spoke of the market’s growth potential, revealing the imminent arrival of Windows 12 and its integrated AI . The new Windows could revolutionize the way our PCs are used, but the prerequisites needed to benefit from it are such that most of today’s PCs are no longer on the market. A major wave of renewal is therefore anticipated.

We think that 2024 will be a very good year for the PC market, thanks in particular to Windows updates […] Current Windows PC hardware is relatively old and will probably be heavily upgraded next year.

Windows 12 and its AI will require a major overhaul of PCs

The rumors following this leak are numerous, but in the midst of them all, there is one plausible lead: the requirement to have an AI coprocessor to enjoy Windows 12 in the best possible conditions. To be factual, at the time of writing, only the Intel Meteor Lake processors due to arrive at the end of the year have what might be called (abusively) a dedicated AI coprocessor . This doesn’t mean, however, that other, older processors won’t be able to run the latest version of Windows… But given the advances being made, a hardware upgrade will soon become essential.

Besoin d'une partie CPU dédiée à l'IA pour Windows 12

At the Intel Innovation conference a few weeks ago, the presence of AI processing capacity on local hardware (in processor / SoC) was mentioned several times. The main argument for the presence of this new “engine” was security and confidentiality. Clearly, it’s difficult to envisage mass adoption of technologies that raise a lot of questions without providing users with guarantees of security… Now it remains to be seen what this AI will really bring to the user, because in reality, everything hinges on it.