Review : MSI Titan GT77 HX 13VI


Synthetic GPU performance

Synthetic GPU performances

Now that we know the performance of the CPU part, we can move to the GPU on some synthetic benchmarks. The RTX4090 coupled with i9 13950HX and 2x32Gb of DDR5 at 4000CL32 will be compared mainly to the scores on RTX 4070 Ti and RTX 4080 desktop version with i9 12900K and 2x16gb 5200CL38.

3DMark Timespy

We start with 3DMark Time Spy, here we are at the Desktop i9 12900K and RTX 4070TI combo. Although the RTX 4090 Mobile and RTX 4080 desktop share the same chips, the difference in frequency is felt. Also, the GDDR6 memory in comparison to GDDR6X is much slower and also impacts the performance. According to benchmarks, we are at 2100MHz on 9784 core against 2800 Mhz on 9784 for the 4080 desktop. The 33% difference in frequency is directly reflected in the score.

3DMark Timespy extreme

Just like for Time Spy, we have on the extreme version of the benchmark performances closer to the 4070Ti than to the 4080. The scores compared here are the global scores and because of the very slow RAM, we can’t get away from the scores obtained with the i9 12900K and RTX 4070 Ti. On the Time spy benchmark seen before, the CPU score at 16000 points is very low, we were expecting more than 20000 points. Unfortunately, the 4000 Mt/s RAM completely ruins the performance.

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3DMark Firestrike

On 3DMark Firestrike, the difference is mostly in CPU performance and RAM.

3DM Firestrike Extreme

On 3DMark Firestrike, performance is again very good for a laptop even though once again the RAM drags the CPU down.

3DM Firestrike Ultra

On Firestrike Ultra, the CPU has less of an impact on performance thanks to native 4K resolution.

3DM Speedway

We finish with 3DMark Speedway which is a graphics-only benchmark. Here we can see the performance differences with other desktop graphics solutions. This RTX 4090 Mobile is found to be 6% faster than the RTX 4070 ti suprim X and 20% slower than the RTX 4080 Trio using the same core.