Review: Gigabyte RTX 4060 WindForce OC 8G


The last word:

We’ll conclude by comparing NVIDIA’s current offering with this Gigabyte RTX 4060 WindForce OC 8G against its direct competitors, the RX 7600 and ARC A750. Indeed, if you think that in 2023, an entry-level card costing around 300 euros is too high, look no further. Our aim is to give you our impressions of the current offer, whether you’re for or against. We’ve already had the opportunity to share our impressions on the current price debate, and like everyone else, we’d like to see hardware prices pulled down.

We’d also like to stress that we don’t see the latest entry-level cards from NVIDIA or AMD as a replacement for the previous generation, but rather as an upgrade for a 4 or 5 year-old system. As we’ve seen, the NVIDIA RTX 30xx and AMD RX 6xxx cards still do the job perfectly.

This RTX 4060 versus AMD’s RX 7600?

With an MSRP of 299 euros, which could fall even further in the coming weeks, the RX 7600 has the edge over the RTX 4060 in 1080p rasterization. Admittedly, the advantage is only a few percent, but the difference is also in terms of price, since the MSRP of the NVIDIA RTX 4060 is 329 euros.

But the RTX 4060 has a number of assets not to be overlooked, starting with its first-place ranking in our power consumption graphs, making it the best card we’ve had in our hands for years. The performance provided by the DLSS3 is certainly not to be overlooked either, and our sample of the day performs very well against the RX 7600 in this little game. We don’t think anyone will be deprived of a few extra FPS, especially on an entry-level model that can make your games run more smoothly. So it’s availability and any changes in MSRP prices that will make either model the most attractive.

This RTX 4060 versus Intel’s ARC A750?

Currently priced at 260 euros, the Intel ARC A750 could be just the thing for 1080p gaming. Yes, it’s a very interesting card, but it consumes far more power than the RTX 4060 and RX 7600. In terms of rasterization performance, it’s 14% less efficient than the RTX 4060 and 18% less efficient than the RX 7600. If we apply a rule of three to the price/performance ratio, Intel’s offer holds up well.

Gigabyte RTX 4060 WindForce OC 8G :

As for our model of the day, the Gigabyte RTX 4060 WindForce OC 8G, we have very little to reproach it with. The only downside concerns the cooling system, which we feel is a little too light, although fortunately the RTX 4060 doesn’t consume much power. Otherwise, it’s an excellent choice for a card priced at 329.99 euros MSRP.

A word about overclocking, too, which is ultra-limited, since the card has no margin for power limit, and remains at 100%. The final gain is barely 4t, which is a real shame. We’ll see if the overclocking capability is better on a “higher-end” model. See you tomorrow.

We liked :

  • A card for full 1080p enjoyment, and why not 1440p in rasterization?
  • 20ace higher performance than the RTX 3060
  • Quality of design and finish for an entry-level card
  • Very low noise levels
  • Power consumption that makes it the number 1 card in our comparison
  • A coherent price compared to the previous generation (RTX 3060)
  • DLSS 3 support and the arrival of more and more compatible games
  • NVIDIA software suite
  • Availability of 8th generation NVENC encoder with AV1

We would have liked :

  • A more efficient cooling system design
  • Higher overclocking potential, no margin for power limit

médaille award OMF or goldWith this RTX 4060, the most affordable card in the ADA Lovelace architecture, NVIDIA offers us the best power consumption chip in years. In terms of performance, it’s 20 ace more efficient than the previous generation and supports DLSS3, which will help you gain FPS and make your game smoother. Now the competition is on the lookout, and this bodes well for future buyers who will opt for the card that best matches their expectations. Thanks to Gigabyte France for making this sample available.