Ryzen 5 7500F, a bestseller in South Korea!


In Asian countries, we can find a few exclusives. The Ryzen 5 7500F is (was?) one of them, and a particularly popular one at that. This processor has clearly found its audience, so much so that it’s a bestseller in South Korea!

Ryzen 5 7500F: best-seller in South Korea!

According to sales data compiled by Danawa Research, AMD has overtaken Intel in terms of market share in South Korea. It has to be said that lower prices for processors, motherboards and DDR5 memory have favored the company over its rival Intel. It’s also worth noting that Raphael CPUs have overtaken Vermeer in terms of sales since mid-July.

In detail, the best-selling AMD processor in South Korea is none other than the 7500F. This is a six-core processor with no graphics. It operates at 5 GHz boost and offers a TDP of 65W. Its $179 price tag makes it particularly attractive!

Then, according to the data, the second best-selling red in AM5 is the 7800X3D, followed by the 7600. In our neck of the woods, the 7800X3D is also a very popular model, as we told you in this newsletter!

Finally, on the Intel side, the best-selling model of the 13th generation remains the 13400F, followed by the 13600KF and the 13700K in third place!