Little by little, Asus EVA-02 components are arriving!


Last July, the Asus brand announced new components from the ROG Evangelion series. These are based on the design of the EVA-02 unit, and feature red hues with mixtures of yellow and black. All in all, it’s a real eye-catcher, and the series is gradually making its way to France. The motherboard, power supply and mouse pad are available in stores.

EVA-02, Asus components gradually arrive!

On the motherboard side, we find the Maximus Z790 Hero with a new skin. It loses its ROG logos on the I/O cache and chipset heatsink and becomes more colorful. Even the backplate has been reworked, with illustrations of the mecha of the unit in question found on the I/O cover. In short, it looks really good, especially as the board doesn’t lose any of its functionality.

ROG Thor Platinum II Eva

As for the power supply, it too switches to Evangelion mode, though the modifications are more restrained. The grid features Evangelion branding, while the wafers feature several inscriptions. The cable also features a small ROG x Evangelion logo, rather discreet given its location.

Asus ROG Scarbbard EVA-02

As for the mouse pad, Asus is letting loose, and it fits in well with the theme, as you can see. In terms of dimensions, we have an XXL model measuring 90×40 cm. In terms of materials, we have a fabric sliding surface, while the base is made of rubber for better grip.