Review : Secretlab Evo + Charcoal Blue Skin



Titan Evo assembly

It’s time to start assembling the Titan Evo S. The packaging is very neat, with all components packed in hermetically sealed bags. Likewise, spare parts such as cylinders, cylinder covers, screws and bolts are protected by protective foam. In terms of packaging and presentation alone, the brand claims to be top-of-the-range!

Steps 1 and 2: Foot and jack installation

As with all the seats we’ve tested so far, the assembly stage begins with the installation of the base. To do this, we take the five-legged base and turn it upside down. Then, at the end of each leg, we insert a castor. You don’t have to use too much force, just a little, and it clicks into place!

Once the castors are in place, we turn the assembly over and place the jack in its center. Once the cylinder is in place, we can place the cover around it.

Step 3: Mounting the backrest on the seat

The next step is to install the backrest directly onto the seat. In any case, this is how you should proceed, referring to the instructions. You should also know that, compared with the 2020 series, we still have the backrest side rail, which facilitates assembly. Simply slide the backrest onto the rail and screw in place, everything is perfectly aligned. Just note that this famous rail is only present on the left-hand side.

Once the backrest is in place, you can “unlock” the lever controlling its inclination. To do this, remove the screw locking the mechanism. It would have been a shame to injure yourself when the mechanism backfires, as it generates a lot of force!

Finally, to complete the installation, remove the side screw covers. No need to screw anything in, these are held in place by magnets. No change from the 2020 range.

Step 4: Preparing and mounting the tilting bracket

The next step is to install the Titan Evo S’s tilting bracket. We start by positioning the joysticks on either side of the bracket. Simply insert them sideways until you hear a click.

Once ready, all that’s left to do is screw it onto the backrest. First, however, you’ll need to turn the whole seat back over. It’s best to be accompanied, as this assembly is already quite heavy! In short, once you’ve got your butt in the air, you can proceed with screwing on the support. The large screw should point towards the front of the seat.

Step 5: Fitting the foot

Secretlab Titan Evo XL 2022 Classic

The penultimate step in the assembly of Secretlab’s Titan Evo S is to install the stand on the freshly mounted bracket. To do this, insert the actuator into the hole pointing towards the backrest. During this maneuver, the actuator cover may prove recalcitrant and fall off.

Now that everything’s in place, you’ll clearly need help to straighten the chair. Normally, the person who helped you in the previous step should still be around 😉

Step 6: put on the armrests

Accoudoir fauteuil gaming

Finally, the armrests complete the assembly of the chair. There’s no difficulty here, as all you have to do is place the armrest tops in their dedicated positions. Magnets hold everything in place. In the event of a tear, just call our service department and we’ll send you a new set. No need to reach under the seat, completely unscrewing the armrests to replace them. Well done Secretlab.

In a nutshell:

Broadly speaking, the assembly process is very similar to that of the previous series. Aids and assistance are still present, such as the side rail on the backrest side. Likewise, the safety aspect is also present, since you won’t be able to operate the backrest recline lever without having assembled it… At least, if you follow the instructions to the letter.

On the other hand, you’ll need a little extra help during assembly, especially when it comes to straightening and/or turning the seat/backrest. This model is imposing and heavy, so don’t strain your back during assembly.

Skin installation

Installing the skin on this Titan Evo S is really quick and easy. The first thing to do is to open the box and unpack the various components. Like the seat, everything is protected in plastic covers.

We then start by installing the top section. Simply unfold the fabric cover and slip it over the seat, no more, no less. The most “complicated” part is stretching it tightly and then passing the straps under the backrest.

And we repeat with the bottom part.

Here on this second part, you’ll need to clip two tabs on either side of the seat.

Once installed, don’t hesitate to go back around the seat and tighten the skin on all sides to avoid wrinkles. All in all, in just a few minutes, the whole thing is installed and ready to use!