Facebook could make a PC assembler rich


We all learned a few days ago that Facebook had decided to change its name to META. This marketing operation could end up costing Mark Zuckerberg a little more and make a PC assembler from Arizona happy…Well, maybe…

meta pc Facebook While its social media platform will retain the Facebook brand, the company itself is now called Meta, named after the VR/AR metaverse idea Zuckerberg has been talking about for some time. However, according to a document shared by TMZ, an Arizona-domiciled company called Meta PCs filed for the Meta trademark in August, a little over a year after it began operations.

meta pc Facebook Meta PCs co-founder Zack Shutt said his company was registered in November of last year and that no one on the team was aware of Facebook’s plans to rename itself Meta until last week. He and co-founder Joe Darger say they won’t sell the name for less than $20 million. So obviously the game is not totally won for Meta PC. Indeed, Facebook seems confident that it has the rights to acquire the name, and the company noted that Meta PCs’ trademark application has not yet resulted in a final trademark registration. No doubt that Facebook has already set in motion an army of lawyers to exploit, if necessary, all the legal loopholes that could have escaped a small company just wanting to register its name. For the moment, the founders of Meta PC are trying to take the story lightly…We’ll have to see how the game ends in a country where the power of lawyers often makes the difference.