Review: Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Gaming OC


The RTX 4080 and DLSS 3:

We’re going to add a new section that will concern DLSS 3 since our sample of the day, the Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Gaming OC is compatible. This is the third card we test that is compatible after the MSI RTX 4090 Surpim Liquid X and the NVIDIA RTX 4080 Founders Edition.

We will first test the 3DMark DLSS Feature Test beta which supports DLSS 3. Next, we’ll judge how it looks in the games Cyperpunk 2077 and A plague Tale: Requiem. In order to make sure the FPS count is correct, we installed the latest press version of NVIDIA FrameView 1.4, which allows us to check what the benchmark says and what FrameView says. In particular, we knew that the benchmark version with Cyberpunk 2077 ‘s DLSS 3 is not correct. This should be correct soon after a fix is put in place.

3DMark DLSS Feature Test:

We did not keep this benchmark since it only concerns DLSS compatible cards and was therefore not useful for our comparative tests. Here, we have retested it since it officially supports DLSS 3 since the end of the NDA on the RTX 4090.
So we’re going to run a 2160p benchmark with DLSS disabled first, then with DLSS 2 performance and finally with DLSS 3 performance.

Our Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Gaming OC scores 30.3 FPS without DLSS, then 81.8 FPS (+169%) with DLSS 2 enabled. DLSS 3 still provides a 64% gain over DLSS 2, so we can judge how much better DLSS 3 is.

Cyberpunk 2077 :

Let’s start with the game Cyberpunk 2077. Here are the captures of the settings we used during our tests. As far as Ray Tracing is concerned, it is in Ultra mode and then we enabled the options for DLSS which is set to Performance mode.

Here is a capture taken during the integrated benchmark. As you can see, there is an error on the part of the benchmark. We have of course, during all our gaming tests left FrameView open to make sure that what is displayed by the game corresponds to Frameview.

Paramètres DLSS 3 Cyberpunk 2077

So how about in the game Cyberpunk 2077?

With Ray Tracing Ultra enabled, our average FPS is 23.3 FPS. As soon as we activate DLSS 2 in performance mode, we reach 67 FPS (+187%). Finally, with the new version of the DLSS 3 and still in performance mode, it is an average of 87.1 FPS that is reached!

A Plague Tale: Requiem

The second game that we have installed and that also supports DLSS 3, is the next A Plague Tale: Requiem. We also opted for the settings to use Ray Tracing and DLSS 3.

Paramètres DLSS 3 A Plague Tale: Requiem

This one is perfectly active in this new game. We are preparing a file on the DLSS 3 in order to compare the screenshots with the DLSS 2 by using the NVIDIA ICAT software. This is a software that we haven’t used before, so we need some time to get used to it. You should also know that we will add Bright Memory: Infinite as a game!