Palit teases a wataircool card from its GameRock series


The Palit brand has published a new teaser (via its twitter account) for a new graphics card. The latter, from the GameRock series, features a hybrid cooling system combining aircooling and watercooling. A solution which, while original, is by no means unknown.

Palit: a GameRock card combining aircooling and waterblock!

Pali GameRockIn this short teaser, we get a brief glimpse of the card from all angles. It features a massive aircooling heatsink with a trio of fans. The latter is mounted on a fairing featuring a diamond effect similar to that of the current GameRock range…

However, the latter has a special feature: an integrated waterblock. Details are limited, but we imagine it will be used to cool the GPU and memory. What’s more, this block features two ringed inputs/outputs for connection to your custom loop.

Now it remains to be seen which GPU lies beneath this cooling system. However, when the RTX 40 Super was launched, the 4080 Super was conspicuously absent from the GameRock range. It’s not impossible that this cooling system is reserved for the highest-end cards: RTX 4080 Super and RTX 4090.

Clearly, the solution is an interesting one, since it should enable serious gains in temperature and silence. However, with its 4 slots, the space-saving aspect is lost.