Unreal Engine 5: Real World or Virtual World?


With the latest Unreal Engine 5 demo, it’s almost impossible to distinguish a virtual scene from reality. Epic’s Unreal Engine 5 propels us into a new world where reality and fiction are increasingly difficult to discern. This opens up new possibilities for the creative world and for film in particular. But it also brings a lot of questions about the future of video games. Where will be from now on the part of imagination in a game? Will they still be games or just simulations? Unreal Engine 5 This video presented here is edifying. You really have to wait a little while to understand that we are in an artificially generated world and not a movie created by an ordinary user with his smartphone. The whole scene has been generated with Unreal Engine 5. This little exercise is based on a real train station in Toyama, Japan, and was lit with Lumen, a fully dynamic real-time global lighting solution. This video clearly goes further than the Matrix demos and objectively how many of you would have been able to detect a completely artificial scene without our prior explanations?

So obviously this is a technical feat. But brought back to video games, it raises huge questions about the future of video games. Do we need to play simulators of the real world or do we need to escape from it to be with the Hylian Link to escape a little in Zelda?

An old GTX 2070 spotted on the net!