As you know, by the end of the year, a new Intel socket will be available on the market: the LGA-1700. For this occasion, the current heatsinks may not be compatible due to the different dimensions of the CPU and the socket. In short, be quiet! is also getting up to speed with a suitable mounting mechanism.
LGA-1700: be quiet! offers its mounting system for free!
If you are following us, you probably know the procedure, since it is an online request on the manufacturer’s website. To do this, you will need to attach proof of purchase of a heatsink and a processor or an Alder Lake-S motherboard. Afterwards, be quiet! will send you a free mounting system for the new Intel platform.
Moreover, all the heatsinks in the brand’s catalog are compatible. Thus, the Dark Rock, Shadow Rock and Pure Rock ranges are compatible. Note however that the Pure Rock Slim 2 is not present… Or not yet. However, on the AIO side, no problem, the Pure Loop and Silent Loop 2 are present.
Please note that online applications will open from November 2021. By the way, for new buyers, the LGA-1700 mounting kit will come standard with all heatsinks sold from 2022. Finally, if you don’t have a proof of purchase, you should know that this mounting system is charged at €5.46.
Here is the online request form (not yet open)!