Cleaning station
The cleaning station is rather massive – you may not realize it, but the tank is over 9 liters. An advantage for cleaning large prints. But beware: if you fill it up, you also contaminate more IPA alcohol.
Tip: a simple way of preserving your alcohol for as long as possible is to do a pre-wash by soaking your prints in another tank with less clear IPA.
It comes with a basket and stand that will mean Elegoo printer owners won’t even need to remove prints from the base. However, this will mean that you’ll need to fill your station with at least 5 liters of IPA. For my part, I always prefer to detach the parts and use the basket. It allows me to restart a print faster.
To start it up, simply press the button for a few seconds, then turn it to set the rotation time and alarm. Easier than your microwave.
Tip: if your prints are no longer sharp when they come out of the IPA bath, it’s because you’ve left them too long. I’m often asked how long it should ideally take, and although it depends on the maximum thickness of the prints, I recommend 2 minutes 30 to 3 minutes for figurines. Yes, many people like to leave their prints for 5 to 10 minutes… it’s a mistake.
Well, I don’t know if it was intentional, but it’s possible to let the basket rest diagonally across the top of the tub to let the IPA drip off without getting it all over the place. This is also how I take the figurines one by one.
Hardening station
For the hardening station, the start-up and alarm functions work in exactly the same way. But this time, the unit won’t start if the cover isn’t in place. A small safety feature. The side LEDs do their job well, and there are also 4 LEDs on the underside, under the transparent turntable. The tray rotates slowly, allowing you to balance your figures, for example.
Tip: I prefer to detach the prints from their supports before curing, as this generally gives much better finishing results. And the supports are much easier to remove when the resin is not yet completely solid.