Review: DDR5 SK Hynix A-die 32 GB 5600B dual rank


Intel configuration comparison

Aida 64 :Logiciel AIDA64

It is a software able to provide you with many information about your configuration, but it has the particularity to have a memory benchmark. This one will calculate the speed of reading, writing, copying and the latency of your memory kit. It is very often used to compare memory kits between them. It is an excellent tool if you want to compare the performance of your memory kit with what we have already had the opportunity to test. The version used for the tests is the latest 6.75.6100.

Let’s start with the read speed. Here our dual rank kit achieves the same throughput as the M-die single rank kit with handmade XMP.

SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB AIDA vs mdie In the case of write speeds, this dual rank kit achieves a few Mb/s with the same profile.

SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB AIDA vs mdie Same thing with the copy speed, here the speed gain goes up to more than 3000 Mb/s in favor of the dual rank A-die kit.

SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB AIDA vs mdie

On the latency side, CAS Latencies (more details here) play an important role, but so does the frequency, as explained in our article on CAS Latencies. Here our memory kits manage to go below 60 ns, no noticeable differences for this benchmark not very repeatable in DDR5.

Scalability: cascading confirmations for future Ryzen 9000 models

SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB AIDA vs mdie

Geekbench 3.4.4 :

Logiciel Geekbench 3.4.2It is a benchmark available in several revisions, it is the standard for memory performance. It allows to obtain two scores: one in single and the other in multi. Using this benchmark, we will focus on the performances obtained on the score called ” Memory Multi-Core ” which allows to differentiate the memory performances. But also on the ” Multi-Core Score ” which does not always scale with the ” Memory Multi-Core “. The version used for the tests is 3.4.4.

We start with the single core part, here we can see the gain of the dual rank on the single thread performances.

SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB GB3 vs mdie
We continue with the multi core, the gain is slightly lower, but the difference is still present.
SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB GB3 vs mdie
And finally we have the memory score in multi core, with huge gains coming from the dual rank configuration. As we can see, even the 6000 Mt/s CL40 dual rank score of the A-die kit is higher than the 6400 Mt/s CL32 score of the M-die single rank kit.
SK Hynix ddr5 A die 2x32 GB GB3 vs mdie