Review : AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D


Synthetic benchmarks:

Let’s start with a series of synthetic tests that we use regularly. We have chosen the CPU scores of the 3DMark benchmarks. The idea is to isolate only the CPU score by making a customtest.

Here are the results obtained in Fire Strike and Time Spy. In Fire Strike, whether it is for the “standard” or the “ultra” version, the physics test (CPU) is identical. Therefore, you will only find the score of Fire Strike. On the other hand, for Time Spy and Time Spy Extreme, the tests are different, so you will get both scores. These scores are very interesting for overclockers to choose the platform that will offer the best performance in order to break a maximum of records.

CPU score in Fire Strike:

Let’s start with 3DMark Fire Strike, which is one of the most widely used benchmarks today. It consists of two graphics tests, a CPU test and a fourth test that combines GPU and CPU. Don’t forget to disable the demo which doesn’t add anything to the final score and prolongs the benchmark(unnecessarily).

It is once again a penalizing score obtained by our Ryzen 9 7950X3D which is on par with the Ryzen 9 7900X. If you’re looking to do 3DMark benchmarks, look to the 7950X if you’re choosing an AMD processor.

CPU Score at Time Spy:

The second test is 3DMark Time Spy. Although this one is done in 1440p, it has the particularity of using DirectX 12. It consists of two graphical tests and a CPU test. As for Fire Strike, don’t forget to disable the demo. These two first benchmarks are proposed by UL Benchmark.

Same observation as before with a score that plummets even more and that is not even at the level of the Ryzen 9 7900X.

CPU score at Time Spy Extreme:

The second test is 3DMark Time Spy. Although this one is done in 2160p, it has the particularity of using DirectX 12. It consists of two graphical tests and a CPU test. As for Fire Strike, don’t forget to disable the demo.

Finally, it is only on the “Extreme” version of Time Spy that our Ryzen 9 7950X3D finds the place it deserves. As you can see, this is not a processor made for 3DMark benchmarks.